

“Messaging and SMS are no longer exclusive and perfect synonyms”

Barcelona, May 22, 2012. – “Some time ago, in a not too distant kingdom, to talk about messaging was to talk about SMS … that is how any narration could begin when trying to explain this phenomenon to future generations. This is, to say the least, the reality that emerged in 2011. Today, messaging is no longer exclusive to SMS, and the fragmentation of technological proposals thrives in the showcase of global communication. In a few years, many will just be history. Others are already converting to formulae, which although we knew would expire, nevertheless seemed undeterred, and the fact is that IP technology, as technological bearer, has finally played the role we were all expecting”. That is how Latinia assesses the large-scale irruption of messaging services such as WhatsApp, Twitter or the push nots of the different manufacturers that shaped 2011.

“Today messaging has become much more plural, a summary of the different forms of understanding and utilizing text messages, which goes way beyond the very popular SMS, now at the zenith of maturity, in its specific plateau experience. Messaging and SMS are no longer exclusive and perfect synonyms, given that new ways are creating space, all of them followed by the IP surname”, continued Latinia.

“Messaging is a multiform reality, where diverse formats coexist and where all of them fit in. Where maximum reliability is required, for example, in the most critical emergency-type services or financial services, due to the characteristics of the same, SMS will continue occupying a very important space, without this meaning that we will no longer see other proposals making their first incursions, such as the push nots or the direct messages of Twitter; in other scenarios, especially the P2P and everything entailed in social benefits, other formats will quickly colonize the scenario”, finalized the assessment of the new messaging formats that have overtaken the market and reorganized the demand for communication based upon a new technological offer.

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